Help an oldie

Enjoy life with an oldie

Maybe the saddest situation we face at ANAA is when we rescue an animal from the streets and from a wretched and miserable life, and this animal passes away in the Adoption Center without having known the warmth, the love and the joys of a home.

Finding adopters for old animals is complicated. Families usually prefer puppies or young animals because they can share more time with them. But we forget that the time we share with an oldie is much more intense. His capacity for gratitude is infinite and his eyes are much gentler, because he does not have to prove anything, he just has to love and be loved. Most of these animals are house trained and this makes the adaptation easier. Oldies are quiet and need less activity. Unfortunately, each day they spend at the Center means the loss of a huge amount of time in which they could be enjoying life.

We ask you to be their great opportunity. Foster one of our oldies for an indefinite period of time, or until he passes away. If you chose the first option, we will do our utmost to find a definitive home. But please, give him, now, the chance to be cuddled, to enjoy a soft bed, walks, friends and love. He needs it so much.

ANAA covers all their needs: food, veterinary care, medication, if needed, a kennel or another home if you have to leave.

How can I help an oldie?

You can fill up the following form and we will contact you in order to offer full information.  

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