Cats colonies management

If you have contacted ANAA because you wish us to help you run a feral cats colony, you must bear in mind that it is both physically and humanly impossible for ANAA to take on the whole management. If you really are interested in the wellbeing of the colony, it is essential that you get involved and take charge of said colony, either by yourself, or by creating a work group.

Contrary to what many people believe, moving the cats from the colony to another place is not the best solution. They must be kept where they have settled, as long as the place is safe, and the colony must be managed with the aim of providing them with everything necessary to ensure their safety and wellbeing. It is the only way to reach a respectful coexistence between humans and felines, as well as many other advantages: environmental, sanitary, etc.

ANAA can help you by providing any information and protocols you may need so as to successfully manage a feral cats colony. For all detailed information download this PDF dossier on Trap-Neuter-Return.

Before even starting, you must make sure that the place where the cats are living is safe (there is no risk they will be run over by a car or poisoned by people who do not want to have a feline colony near their home or their working place). It is essential that you meet with residents of the area, if it is a communal or residential area, or with workers and managers if it is a private firm. You can only start your project when everybody agrees and understands the benefits of it, (no more rats or mice, the cats will be sanitarily checked and controlled).

Start the TNR protocol and before capturing the cats, get organized

    1. Determine if said cats are abandoned or feral.
    2. If they are feral, ask for help, advice and information for carrying out the TNR process.
    3. Find a veterinary clinic where the operation is performed at a low cost.
    4. Start the TNR protocol and start capturing the cats (TNR protocol). 
    5. Release the animals where you caught them and follow the guidelines of the TNR protocol. It is important not to leave the work unfinished and to carry out a constant follow up of the colony in order to guarantee the wellbeing of each and every one of its members.


    If you want to have a controlled colony in your property, your villa or your workplace, do not hesitate to call us. Apart from enjoying the presence of these beautiful animals, you will have a group of expert and efficient “mice-catchers” that will effectively, cheaply and ecologically keep pigeons and rodents out of your property. ​

    We have at your disposal feline work groups. They have a CV and their papers in order. They are feral cats that, after they are captured, are analyzed, vaccinated and sterilized. Animals whose health is controlled and which do not breed randomly. In exchange for an outdoor home with some kind of shelter (we could provide the structures), with someone to provide them with food and to control them, you will enjoy the services of a top “work crew”. ​

    The chosen place must be outdoors, safe, far from any highway or neighbors that would not accept a colony near their homes and far from areas where there are dogs or any other danger. If you wish to contact us and get more information on the matter, please write to the following address: