Civil liability insurance

Animals are part of our society. Although they seldom cause problems, they could cause some damage to other people. Therefore, they must be insured.

The law stipulates that Civil Responsibility devolves on the family who owns the animal. In Madrid and other communities, autonomic legislation states that the owner must subscribe a Civil Liability Insurance which covers any damage caused to third parties.

ANAA offers every family who owns a pet a Civil Liability Insurance (taken out with Catalana Occidente, a leading insurance company) that covers every need of your animal and the risks that the family could face. This insurance covers the Civil Responsibility of the family for the damage the animal may inflict on third parties (up to 300.150€) as well as Legal Representation in any complaint or lawsuit against the family’s animal.

Insurance also offers other advantages, such as a kennel for the dog or cat should the family be taken to hospital, assistance in legal matters regarding the animal, help in case of theft or loss, etcs.

The subscription of said insurance via ANAA (ANAA must handle it) implies that part of the price will be donated by the insurance company to ANAA. This is a great help for us and our animals.

The cost of this insurance is 93.10€/ year (for more than one animal, contact us to know the price).

If you are interested in subscribing a Civil Liability Insurance for pets, please fill in the form. You will receive a few days later all the documentation and the cost will be charged to your bank account..

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Subscription of a Civil Liability Insurance

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 Noteinsurance covers dogs only. For cats, horses and other animals, please  contact us .